Wednesday 30 April 2014

2k14 Fashion Fiesta

'Are you really going out in THAT?' Those are usually the last words we hear as the front door slams behind us. That one recurring statement parents seems to prattle at every given opportunity without fail. Every teenager, throughout the history of time, has hit a point in their life when they feel that spark of rebellion kick in. That moment when they cause their dad to gain a bald spot and their turn into their own mother! We attempt to convince ourselves that they'll never notice those six extra piercings hanging out of our lips, ears and nose. Or, maybe they'll just ignore those ten inch stilettos we shuffle out the door in. It never happens. Ninety percent of the time we're hit by a barrage of rifle fire and shelling, that cause wounds so deep we dare not risk another trip to the front line. 'It wasn't like that in our day!' another famous line rehearsed over several generations. There is no denying the fact that society has rapidly developed over the past few years, especially in the area of fashion.

Exploring through the past, fashion has made a major impact on the development of our world. From the start of time fashion has been an instrument of individuality, protest, creativity and expression. Young people have led the way in new fashion trends for centuries, combining various looks and creating extravagant styles. Women in particular, have the ability to express themselves through their clothing. From 18th Century gowns to 21st Century miniskirts, it seems women felt the need to flash more flesh as the years rolled by. Before the First World War, women never dreamt of wearing trousers, but as they were called to the factories, they discovered the magic of moving freely without the wind blowing around their knees. No matter how many centuries pass, women will always have an attraction to fashion. Honestly, who has never heard the expressions 'A woman can never have too many shoes,' or 'I don't care how much clothes I own; I have nothing to wear,’ Although, are those statements simply stereotypical? Does every woman have a desire to spend every last cent on clothing?

Young people of today's world are highly influenced by the media. Their fashion beliefs often originate from a glossy photo shopped magazine or a television screen. Brainwashed into believing shorts that barely cover your ass is the way to go, young people often lose sight of reality. They never think twice about the image they have created and instead convince themselves it's simply what everybody wears. It's not only women who follow the influence of the media, men often go around with their pants around their knees because they think it's 'cool'. I'm not sure who started that trend, but someone should have told them to buy a belt! This issue in my opinion is only getting worse as the years roll by.
People seem to be shot down no matter what they look like, so why is the world so concerned about the 'latest fashion trend'?

 What is fashion...? It is a collective opinion on a particular 'must have' trend. However, these people often forget that the human body isn't a set size. There's no such thing as a perfect body, there's no such thing as the right ass or legs or face or weight. Some people will look like they're drowning in a maxi dress and others just can't squeeze into those super fitting skinny jeans. People should realise this sooner rather than later. It seems to me that the media change their opinion on a daily basis as to how a young person should really dress; one day they're criticized over wearing a short dress the next everybody has adapted the style. It's an absolute disgrace to see such an overwhelming amount of people who think it's acceptable to demoralise each other on the basis of looks. It is not OK to publicly attack anybody.
Don't get me wrong! I have a strong passion for fashion and a firm supporter of Lady Gaga 'Meat Dresses’; I can't see any problem with expressing yourself through your clothes.
Sure, if you feel the need to wrap yourself up like a sausage roll fire ahead, but not all fashion trends need to be so bizarre! Fashion can be elegant and trendy without breaking the borders of nudity. As a teenager myself, I enjoy discovering the new trends that circulate the fashion world on a daily basis. One only has to search the internet or flick open the latest copy of 'Vogue', to find their dream dress. Although, for the everyday average person, the prices of High Street fashion limit you to a pair of socks. If you've ever noticed a girl in a shop holding a fashion magazine, you can almost be certain she's attempting to match a dress worth two grand with one on the sale rack. Who can blame her! Woman will always find a way when it comes to their clothes.

Young people definitely have a love for fashion; but that doesn't essentially mean they're fashionable... There will always be those teenagers who decide to defy the basic rules of fashion and are determined to stand out among the crowd. What they don't realise is this; to be noticed isn't always a good thing, especially if the clothes you've chosen are too revealing. At that point, you're being noticed for all the wrong reasons. If one wishes to survive in this world of frocks and frills, one must carefully study the following pointers.

1.       The number one rule according to my teacher, 'When wearing a dress never go high          and go low!'
2.      If you got hit by a bus... Do you really want everyone to see your underwear?
3.      Would you put that dress on, if you knew your photo would end up on a billboard?
4.      Buy a belt – no more to be said
5.      Fluorescent dresses are not cool, and never were (unless of course you want to look like a traffic cone)
6.      NEVER wear anything edible.