Monday 7 December 2015

24hr Broadcast 2015

After weeks of preparation and hard work I can safely say the broadcast was a huge success! It wouldn't have been possible without the relentless work done by everyone and especially the committee. I mean raising €6,000 is not a simple task! I must say we did it with an impressive amount of skill (despite the sleep deprivation)

Everything kicked off at 9pm - opening with the Guinness World Records. Which I was (un)fortunate to get roped into. Eating cream crackers under a time limit with no water isn't exactly easy... To the guys who ate an entire raw onion, I applaud you - I wouldn't do that if someone paid me!

Let's not forget the 'behind the scenes' antics. Participating in the 'Oscars' a troupe of five, we ventured off in an attempt to recreate 'The Godfather', 'The Shining' and 'Zoolander'. I have to hand it to the other groups too, I mean the videos produced were so creative and hilarious. 'Ghostbusters' would be a personal favourite of mine - definitely worth the watch!

The Oscars weren't the only behind the scenes madness. Throughout the 24hours there was an unbelievable buzz on the second floor of the Henry Grattan. At any moment a group of people could crash through the doors followed closely by a camera. Lest we forget the Go Pro Wheelie Chair Races when we almost got ran over in the middle of the corridor. Who doesn't enjoy a good wheelie chair race...

5am came and the long awaited Lego Competition went live on air. Presenting with my good friend we embarked on half an hour of lego making! 2 teams of 3 battled it out to become the ultimate lego champions. Creating a car, telling the other team what to create and finally creating their own master pieces. I humbly thank our competitors who managed to stay awake long enough to compete in our competition!

9am hit - the half way mark, and let's just say the exhaustion started to hit. Numbers began to drop and as we attempted to film another video we found ourselves collapsed in a corridor. The world was waking and we were dropping like flies. With very little energy left I decided to adventure around the corridors and rooms filming the sleep deprived students who were 'Half Way There' - I must say that was the moment that I started to wake up again.

Sitting around a table for about 2 hours eating our healthy breakfast which mainly consisted of crisp sandwiches, a box of coco rocks between us and a muffin, we eventually decided it was time to get our act together again and start filming more content. This came in the form of a Make-up Tutorial, which I must say left us all in stitches. When a lad attempts to put on a girl's make-up, it never fails to entertain! I have to admit I've re-watched it myself quite a few times!

Lunch time came and we were re-joined by many who had left to get a few hours of sleep. With that we returned to filming and a group of us joined together to make the 'Broadcast Biggest Fails', or as we liked to see it 'When Jordan Asks for more Content'! This video basically consisted of us acting the fool for a few hours. This video led to the 'Broadcast Dancing King' who caught some of the MPS committee by surprise...

With 3 hours to go we were almost €2,000 off our target of €5,000. With 21hours down, the sleep deprived and delirious students put in the last bit of effort to reach our target. With 1 hour to go we reached our target, and what a feeling that was - the hard work had paid off and this never would have been achieved without the unbelievable team work that was created in the previous weeks and the 24hrs of the broadcast itself.

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