Saturday 10 May 2014


The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)

We've all felt it; that electrifying sensation of living on the edge. Spontaneously deciding to take a trip somewhere or simply daring to do something that terrifies you, sparks a sense of adventure within every single one of us. Don't get me wrong, I'm not implying that everyone should jump off a cliff tomorrow, but a little excitement can really make you feel alive. I've often admired my friend for her spontaneous personality. At this stage I've completely lost count of how many times she has decided at the last minute to go to a concert or hop on a train somewhere. At least I know now that wherever she leads me, I will never anticipate where we land (I'm convinced we'll end up in Honolulu someday!).

Winning tickets to a concert last week, (two hours before it started!) I hopped on the next train into town without even thinking twice about it. People often say you can't beat the thrill of a long build up to an event, but nothing compares to an unplanned journey. There's no time to wonder and worry about what might happen. There's no chance for you to change your mind. It turned out to be an amazing concert in aid of Barretstown, to raise money in order to fund their camps for children with serious illnesses and their families. ( The incredible musicians Paddy Casey, The Riptide Movement, The Hot Sprockets, The Stunning and many more, performed an unforgettable concert. Although, I can't forget the fact that I almost managed to get into the Olympia as a photographer. A moment when I still regret not saying 'yes' to the ticket man...

We live in a world of #'s, 'selfies' and snap chatting. We no longer live in an era when 'tweeting' is simply the sound of a bird, or a 'post' is something you receive through your letterbox. At this stage it's impossible to live anonymously or act like an idiot without half the world finding out. Pictures spread like the swine flu and soon enough a kangaroo in Australia is hopping past your face plastered onto a billboard. I personally don't take comfort in the thought that one moment of foolishness will be forever branded on your forehead. Old photographs can be burned or hidden from preying eyes, but social media remains alive even when you try to delete it.

I truly believe the more chances you take in life, the less afraid you are. Soon enough, those ideas you once avoided become a daily challenge you're willing to face head first. I mean, of course you're scared of sky diving but why not give it a go! You never know where you'll end up! (Probably in the Atlantic) How many times have you backed out of something as a result of terror or fear of the unknown? But that's exactly it, 'the unknown!' Nobody knows where you might end up. Nobody can tell the future. I can guarantee that ninety percent of you fear has been created entirely in your mind, (half of which is probably ridiculous) various circumstances and events that 'might possibly maybe' happen.

Admit it, you've written a 'bucket list', which you intend to live and breathe by. You have set yourself tasks... travel to India... work for a charity... save a dolphin! I honestly worry sometimes about human imagination. If you're planning to write a bucket list at least make it worthwhile, put something absolutely impossible onto it, set your goals high and adventure to the end of the world. Don't for one minute believe that just because it seems unreasonable for some people, you can't achieve it.

I don't know about you, but I plan to continue living a spontaneous life (with the help of my friend) Rushing out at the last moment to catch a train, bus, helicopter or submarine, my hair piled up on top of my head carrying my shoes with a piece of toast in my mouth. Hopefully I won't regret the 'selfie' I quickly snap, that will more than likely appear on my Facebook news feed on my birthday...

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