Thursday 22 May 2014

Adventures Over Summer

As I now enter into the last two weeks of school, the last stretch of the track, I have started to think about summer... (A dangerous idea when I'm trying to do exams!) I'm utterly determined to fill my weeks with crazy activities and exhilarating ideas! After a strenuous year glued to a study desk, I'm simply living for that final day of exams...

Below is a short list of the crazy adventures I'm going to embark on over the summer. Hopefully you'll be able to pick up a few ideas...

Go on an adventure:  I'm planning to hop on my bicycle with my friends this summer and roam the countryside. Who knows where we might end up! But never forget, no matter where you decide to adventure NEVER forget to bring a supply of chocolate and sweets!

Have a movie night: I'm going to gather together all my friends (and free my house of family members) and watch a summer movie. I'm pretty sure we'll need to hike a mountain after all the food we eat!

 Have a picnic in a tree: Find a tree. Climb it. Have a picnic with my friends. Simple as...

Blare music: I've often found myself breaking the sound barrier when I'm alone. Nothing beats blasting your speakers and dancing like a crazy fool!

Swim in the rain: In Ireland we're well known for our crazy notions during the summer; a BBQ in 15 degree temperatures, hitting the beach in gale force winds. We seem to think once the calender reaches June it's time to take out the shorts and t-shirts. So, let's carry on the tradition and take it that one step further; swim in the pouring rain...

Buy a hammock: Tie it between two trees and fall asleep under the sun.  

Write a note: I'd love to write little notes to my friends and post them through their letter boxes. Everybody loves opening a letter and nowadays there's something truly special about it.

Take photos: I'm planning to take lots of photos as I enjoy the summer weather (wow i'm optimistic, after all this is Ireland we're talking about)

Make this summer memorable. Don't wait until August to start your adventures...

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