Thursday 8 May 2014

Who are You, to Judge Me?

Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect - and I don't live to be - but before you start pointing fingers... make sure your hands are clean!” (Bob Marley)

It has been said that we, as humans, make our first initial impression of someone in the first eight seconds that we glance at them; the clothes they wear, the colour of their hair, the way they walk or simply what they might say. However, even though that might be true... it's not acceptable. Who are we to judge another person, when we ourselves are far from perfect?

'Don't judge a book by it's cover,' a saying known the world over, but yet still ignored by all. I ask you, what use is it preaching an overused cliche, if you have no intention living by it yourself? I'm not going to lie, I judge people, everyone does! It's not intentional and I don't wake up every morning ready to judge every person I happen to cross paths with. We slot people into categories, and live by a status quo set out by generations before us. Higher, middle and lower class society, each judged for their status in society; the rich look down at the poor in disgust and the poor look down at the rich in hatred.

Although, we can also say that we judge others as a result of jealousy and envy. Unhappy in our own skin we seek the opinions of others and live the way others advice us to. That's not a life! That's not creating your own dreams and fighting to make them a reality. People often judge others to convince themselves they are better, more sophisticated, or whatever else they might conjure up in their mind. A sense of false security is created, and they have no understanding as to why they judge every person who they meet.

However, let me share with you the hidden secret of judgement. After every eye
has examined your appearance and every mind has come to their conclusion, you can smile and be one hundred per cent positive that you have been judged incorrectly. You might walk around with crazy blue hair, and people avoid your company, but only you know that you have sacrificed and somebody else has been given a new life. You might find it difficult to feel comfortable around certain people, people who might call you dry and boring, but once you're in the company of friends nothing will stop you from dancing like nobody is watching. So, the next time you notice somebody judge you in the street, smile at them, I can guarantee you, that one smile will throw them completely off guard.

Judgement has been used as a lethal weapon on numerous occasions. It has destroyed reputations in a matter of seconds, some that have been built up on years of hard work and sacrifice. The only way we can overcome this issue is pure human power. We can achieve anything if we simply convince ourselves of it. So, the next time you start to judge somebody, remember that they are also judging you. Remind yourself that appearances are not always what they seem to be, and you will never truly be able to judge somebody until you know them personally.

So, use your appearance to your advantage. Everybody is going to judge you anyway, so give them something worth looking at. Make them create some ludicrous story about you, but only you know who you really are and no amount of judgement can change you. 

1 comment:

  1. Damn this is very good and an interesting view and outlook on life :).
