Wednesday 17 December 2014

Let It Be

The festive season is almost upon us and it's only a matter of days before the celebrations can truly begin. The night air is decorated by twinkling fairy lights, that soften the frosty footpath, while children count their sleeps until Santa shimmies down their chimney. Amid all this 'festive cheer' I've decided  to try something a little different... Below, I've created a poem from a collection of song lyrics.

Let It Be

I want you to lead me, take me somewhere... 
Don't want to live in a dream one more day.
So if I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me?
Somewhere weakness is our strength and I'll die searching for it,
You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one.

I will follow you, will you follow me?
All the days and nights that we know will be
I will stay with you, will you stay with me?

Smile like you mean it cause you've got a smile that could
Light up this whole town.
Every little thing is gonna be alright 
You're my world my heart my soul.

Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones,
So look at the stars, see how they shine for you
It's like a million little stars spelling out your name,
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

You're dangerous cause you're honest,
 you're dangerous cause
You don't know what you want.
But we learned more from a three minute record 
Than we ever learned in school.
We are all human, and it's time to prove it.

Keep on dreaming even if it breaks your heart I know that 
You brought out the best in me, a part of me I'd never seen,
You took my soul and wiped it clean, our love was made for movie screens.

So I walk this street on the boulevard of broken dreams
And I'm never changing who I am

All you need is love, love. Love is all you need...

Tuesday 2 December 2014


Blue eyes glistening - dancing amid the fairy lights.
Captivated. Dazzled. Enchanted.
Musical notes escape, a high register performed
As rhythms rocket and create a storm within the mind.

The first drops of winter arrive
A sight of joyful greeting,
With a wondrous imagination slide,
Tiny footprints travel a path of frosty discovery.

TIME stands frozen between good and evil,
With bare hands exchange what little remains to be given.
Shattered memories are reconciled with a simple glance
To a past of shamed decisions swiftly erased.

Old familiar voices sing a sweet melody
Of forgotten nostalgic flashbacks

But Smiles through the hurricanes
To see another white Christmas
Once more


Sunday 2 November 2014

No Way, We Won't Pay - The Fight for Irish Water

"It took us 100 years, but we finally got our b***s back!!"

A statement which was roared across O'Connell Street from The GPO yesterday, as tens of thousands protested against the water charges across the entire country. Attending the protest with my dad, I was overwhelmed by the passion and determination displayed by the people around me. Surrounded by people of all ages; from newborns in prams to elderly couples struggling to hold up their banners, there was definitely no shortage of water as we slogged through the pouring rain.

Arriving at 1 o'clock, my dad and I joined the protest at Pearse Street, with a group that had come from
Ringsend. We were disappointed to see the group had a small number of about 100, however as we traveled towards College Green and up Georges Street towards the Dáil the march had expanded. I watched as people ran out shops, down the steps of their apartments, or simply stepped off the footpath onto the road to join the protest. A sense of pride washed over me as I witnessed the Irish people finally joining together to fight against the corruption in the Government. Studying the history of our country, it deeply angers me to watch the people sit back and do nothing as the government makes decisions for a nation. Not only that, but there are a very small percentage of young people involved in the politics of this country. Turning 18 in the 21st century means anything but the right to vote. There are people at the age of 25 who haven't even registered to vote. Their excuses usually center around "They (the political parties) are all the same anyway!" They claim not to care, but there is no doubt, once they are forced to pay the endless taxes and bills posted through their door, it will suddenly become a serious issue. Wouldn't it be better to fight from the very beginning, to voice your opinion and make a difference?

Growing up in a republican ghetto in Newry, Co.Down, one of my dad's first memories was of a mass Civil Rights Demonstration in 1969. A hundred thousand people came from all over Ireland to march. Local people opened their doors to feed them, as a nation joined together to fight for their rights, 'One man. One vote.'  As a man who grew up during the Troubles, it deeply frustrates him to witness the nation sit back and allow the Government to dictate every decision inflicted on the country.

As we walked, I listened to the various chants "Power to the People," "From the river to the sea, Irish water will be free," "Look up high and see the water falling from the sky," I was curious to discover the various reasons people had for marching. In general the responses were the same - the Irish people have had enough, the Government take and take and take but we've nothing left to give! The household charge, the property tax and the income tax were all supposed to include taxes on water, yet now they want us to pay for it again. When will it end?

As we walked we met a woman who had worked in the civil service for over thirty years. She turned to me and asked me why I was participating in the protest. It took me a few moments to reply (I hadn't quite prepared an answer, even though I was expecting everyone else to reply to my question) I joined the march yesterday as a young person who wants to get involved in the decisions regarding the future of my country. I disagree with the notion that turning 18 in this country is simply a right to drink! It's so much more than that and the youth are ignoring this major fact. Some people may argue that we are too young to make life changing decisions, but you tell me... What is the right age? If we don't start to make decisions from an early age we never will.

Attending that protest yesterday has truly opened my eyes to the serious hardships that reek this nation at the moment. The Right2Water campaign are working with determination to spread the message across the country. A petition is available on the website. If you can't attend the planned march on 10 December, signing the petition is a step in the right direction.

Water is a human right and a public good, not a commodity...

Thursday 30 October 2014


Childlike -  it seems, to embrace and ensnare
One who wanders above reality.
Caught by a fictitious connection,
Blind to the rampant rage released.

Day and night is written across a shallow heart.
A void left unspoken as the other repents
For the misinterpretation, 
Unanswered questions, 
Unfinished sentences,
And the words remain unsaid. 

Each teardrop a memory begging to release,
A weakness mocked and scorned, 
A strength spiraled to hatred,
A fear of change uncontrolled by

Why refuse those who love you?
CAST away with no sensitivity!
Numb to the exposed 
Torment erupting behind
A shadowed

The world at your fingertips but arrested by conscience,
No inner belief or superior confidence.
Yet a wonder. Through all this time.

Little knowledge of then, here and now.
But the mind still bubbles reaching for the impossible.
An innocent youth, who has not yet learned the art of giving up.

And never will



Friday 3 October 2014

A Lyrical Life...

Have you ever been shocked by how much a certain song can remind you of a close friend or family member? I can recall numerous occasions when I've fallen captive to the melodious lyrics that flow through a song. I'm suddenly convinced the artist has written this song for me, and I listen to it on repeat, struck  by the idea that there is somebody else who feels the same way as I do. Although, there's something personal about those particular songs, and I almost find it difficult to share my findings with others for fear they may reveal a new meaning to the song.

The strangest part about all this 'lyric reminiscing', is the fact that you simply can't control the songs you like. I mean, I personally have no deep love for Eminem, but his song Headlights is truly beautiful (and it's not often that I've described rap as 'beautiful') I have come across various incredible songs by artists I wouldn't usually listen to. Never rule out a song until you've listened to it yourself.

The subject of 'proper music' has often popped up in conversation between my friends. What defines a 'real song'? Personally I believe all songs are real, but it's the impact they have on different people that changes the deeper meaning behind them. My friends had a tediously long debate a few days ago about the definition of a 'boy band'. The dictionary definition clearly states:

  1. A boy band is a pop group composed of attractive young men, whose music and image are designed to appeal primarily to a young teenage audience.

However, the '5SOS Lovers' simply wouldn't accept it. The situation got a bit heated when 5 Seconds of Summer were compared to One Direction, who, according to them, are NOT a boy band because they play instruments. Let's just say the debate had to be quelled when their shouts silenced the lunch hall. So, an agreement was never reached. Are '5 Seconds of Summer' a boy band?

At the end of it all, who really cares!! Nobody should be criticised for their choice of music. 

So, I'll never understand what drew me to these particular songs. But below are a list of songs that hold special meaning in my life. Some of you, who know me well, will have no problem understanding the significane of these songs. And to the rest, I hope you listen to these songs yourself and find a deeper meaning to the lyrics...

Sunday 14 September 2014

Fire and Ash

It had always been a comfort to me knowing that as long as I was near the sea, I was never far from home. Gently closing my eyes, I listened softly to the steady rhythm of the waves. A wave smoothly broke as it graced my feet, crackling over each tiny pebble, sizzling as each tiny salt droplet kissed the shoreline and that one unique wave travelled back towards the vast ocean. Carefully timing the break of each roll, it was no surprise when the water once again came rushing over my feet, allowing me to sink further into the sand. I was lost in my own imagination for the first time in several months. Concentrating on my shallow breathing, I began to mimic the breath of the ocean. The sound of seagulls suddenly crashed through the serenity, destroying the sound of silence. Although a strong hatred remained embedded within me for these horrific birds, their sharp shriek surprisingly made me giggle, as I reminisced summers spent chasing them down the beach. The warmth of the breeze graced my ankles, billowed my skirt upwards and I quickly held it down before any attention was drawn towards my legs. Although the beach was sparse, the high cliffs were a constant threat. It was hard to imagine how a country plagued by such hardships, could have this one sheltered paradise. Pulling my hood back over my head I grabbed my backpack and ran towards the safety of the cliff face. The salt had eaten into the deep gashes along my calves and feet, feeling the sting I began to hop about in pain.  This was the first form of treatment I had received, and it couldn't have come sooner. The damage had been done and there was no doubt I'd be left with severe scars.
 Leaving the beach and traipsing along a dusty path, I wearily made my way back towards the dense forest. There was simply no time to feel sorry for myself, there was no time to weep or mourn for the losses. If I allowed my feelings to crash through the barrier I had built, I know I simply wouldn't survive. That was a definite fact. I had spent months building a barrier against my emotions until I was now at the point of feeling numb. The pain in my legs had subsided, making it easier to trudge through the low hanging branches and thick thorn bushes. I had only managed to grab a very limited amount of supplies as I escaped, and fortunately a map had been caught up within a notebook. I had quickly established my whereabouts before entering out into the piercing African sun. I had little knowledge as to where I had been kept, so that one piece of paper aided my escape greatly. Without which I would be completely blind on my trek towards freedom.
  Each step pulled me further away from that dark hole of burning hell. Stabs of regret pierced my weak heart as I was drawn back to the frail faces of the young girls. Their expressions completely blank, too drugged to feel any sort of emotion. I understood I couldn't save any of them, but I still felt remorse leaving them behind to face death. Alone in the world without any form of sanity, their brain fried by deep internal bleeding. Shivers rocketed across my back as I was sent back to their sharp deathly clutch, the steel bars attached to my wrists, the frozen metal slab burning my body. I didn't realise I had blacked-out until I awoke shivering in a pool of my own sweat, my hands gripped around my own throat, lying on the damp forest floor. Detangling myself from my own tight grip I lay on the ground, staring up at the canopy of trees. Allowing my heart beat to drop, I established my location on the map. Walking on foot to the boarder would take an extensive amount of time, but I couldn't risk hitching along the open road. I couldn't allow myself to free my emotions again, risking myself to discovery.
Nightfall was dropping as I reached the edges of the forest, the perfect time to travel across open space. The sun burned the horizon, and I stood contently watching the heat waves rise above the ground; a moment of absolute bliss. This vast area once housed an entire village but had been wiped out not so long ago. I traced the path of the main road along the row of foundations, gracing my hand across the fallen walls. Before I had managed to reach the end of the road, I heard a slight rustle on the dusty ground. Stock still, I didn't dare to take a breath. My heart pounded in my ears, sending shock waves around my fragile frame. Maybe it was just my imagination, after all I was certainly already insane from months spent cooped up in a dark hole. Allowing myself to edge forward a few steps, my ears burned as they strained to recognise any unusual movement. There it was again, only louder and closer this time. Spinning sharply around I came face to face with a young girl. We both froze, neither one of us moving like an animal in front of their predator. Without any warning she reached her hand towards my face and I slapped it away instinctively. Regretting it straight away, I reached into my pocket and produced a token of my apology: an orange. Handing it to her I could feel her gratitude as she slowly curled her bony fingers around the fruit. I had little to share, but this simple act of kindness made me feel human again. Sitting on the dusty ground we silently peeled the orange, savouring each droplet of juice not allowing any to escape our parched mouths. That moment of solitude would be one I'd never forget.
Getting ready to leave, I motioned for her to join me. Her face turned pale as I suggested this outrageous concept. No words had yet been exchanged between us so I had no knowledge of her nationality; I thought it was best to remain speechless. Carefully she began to inch towards me as I held my hand out to her. Before she had even taken two steps, a low rumble sent the ground into a deep quiver. I lashed around as three U.S fighter jets appeared on the horizon, travelling faster than sound. This was my only chance and I knew it, reaching into my bag I set off the only flare I had managed to escape with. Red light shot into the sky leaving a trail of smoke behind it. I began frantically waving my arms screaming. But what happened next I would never have anticipated. Screeching noises deafened me as millions of bullets raged fiercely towards us. I stood frozen, speechless, until the young girl scratched my arm. I grabbed her hand quickly and raced towards the woods, using the last bit of energy I possessed. Tripping over rocks, we dragged each other towards the trees. I could feel the power of the bullets rip past me, the heavy planes towered overhead and they watched two physically and mentally destroyed girls struggle for their life. Reaching the safety of the trees gave us little comfort. The attack continued, pellets bouncing off the trees. Suddenly, I stopped and yanked the young girl into the hollow of a tree. The planes raged overhead and continued their onslaught through the trees. Sweat poured down my forehead and flashes of horror streaked across my eyes. Flaying wildly I whimpered and cried as I attempted to rid the images from my mind. A soft hand touched my face and began to stroke my cheek. Slowly my vision returned and I could clearly see her now, panting in the darkness. A soft feeling of warmth spread slowly through my icy veins, as I felt love, an emotion I had long ago forgotten.
Extracting ourselves from the tree some time later, I assessed the damage. Neither of us had been injured thankfully. Figuring it was best to stay hidden for the night, I settled myself down on a soft patch of grass. This was the moment I had feared the most; the nightmares. However much I tried to fight sleep, it soon washed over me like the devil ready for feast. Falling into unconsciousness, I dreamt of fire and ash, absolute destruction. Pain streaked through my body as the girls I left behind flashed before my eyes. Then it came, the icy cold tight grip around my throat, tightening. The other hand lashed across my body, no sense of humanity in his piercing red eyes. Hours passed and I remained trapped within my own memories. My body heated up and suddenly flames danced on my eyelids. It wasn't until I could feel the heat lashing against my skin that I awoke.  Realising I was no longer trapped in a nightmare, the flames were real and they were licking against my skin. Feeling the heat on my skin I sat up quickly and stared into the roaring flames. Choking on the black smoke I hit the ground and gasped for air. The girl was absolutely nowhere to be seen, not that I could actually see much anyway. My eyes burned as I desperately tried to search for a gap in the fire. Never before had I witnessed such horror yet such beauty. The colours of the flames hypnotised me, and the heat radiating from them heated the scars embedded into my legs. I dragged myself along the thick forest floor as I spotted an opening in the trees. Thorns sank deep into my palms and I wrenched them out without a second thought. Pulling my hood over my head I tried to block out the oncoming smoke. My lungs screamed in pain and I knew they wouldn't hold up much longer. I whipped my head from side to side in hope of seeing the young girl. Yet she remained invisible, already lost to the flames or escaped alone. What had happened while I slept? How could I have missed the slaughter of these flames?
Reaching the gap, I pulled myself up. The flames were kissing my feet viciously, hungry for more attention. Collapsing through the trees I noticed the young girl lying face down on the ground her clothes completely torn off. I dragged myself towards her, tears cascading down my cheeks. Collapsing on top of her I carefully turned her over. Despite the furnace surrounding us, her skin was frozen in time. Her tiny frame slashed by the stroke of a knife. Her deep green eyes stared back at me as my tears washed the dirt from her face. I could feel the flames around me once again. Yet I didn't move. Instead I protectively covered her with my own body. Laying there I finally let out the pain. I screamed and yelled until my lungs could no longer handle the pressure. Shaking wildly I could feel the flames touching my skin, but I couldn't feel the pain. With my eyes shut, I tried to imagine the sea once more. The slow roll of the waves the sizzling of the pebbles over the rocks. I would reach the sea someday again, but for now I had to sleep. Before I had reached unconsciousness, a clammy hand gripped my waist and pulled me from the ground. My mind slowly slipped away before I had a chance to look at them. Drifting away from pain, and fire and ash. 

Friday 15 August 2014

Childhood Memories

Childhood. The photographic snapshot stage of life, referred to by many as the 'innocence of youth'. The times when you simply didn't care if you had worn the same t-shirt for a week...the one with the chocolate stain from last summer. Can you remember it now?

My childhood was quite a momentous occasion. Reminiscing it now, I can safely assure myself, that it was anything but dull. If I wasn't attempting to build a pond in a field, or creating the world renowned 'wok' band of 08', I was likely to be found organising troops for battle, a war I have the fortune never to forget.

During the summer months, my brother and I enjoyed the mischievous company of friends who live in the countryside. From a young age we established 'our land' in the fields surrounding their house. Much to our shock and horror, one summer an incredibly large eye sore was plonked in the middle of one of our fields. A warehouse, which unforgivably
disrupted our range of freedom. Unfortunately for them, we were equipped with slingshots and batteries and prepared to blow up this building without a second thought. However, unfortunately for us, we had little knowledge in the area of military tactics and spent most of our time dragging ourselves along the mucky ground, quickly retreating back to our 'base' each time a car drove past. We managed to build a tunnel through a thorn bush, build a bridge over a deep ditch, dig a pond infested with frogs and fall off a mound of concrete blocks numerous times.We were battered and bruised but that never seemed to stop us from adventuring.

Growing up with a family surrounded by music, I learned from an early stage the quality of a good tune. They showed me endless genres, and even to this day I venture to them for advice. I'll never forget those moments when the music reached ear bursting levels and the pots and pans made an appearance. We'd spend hours bashing pots convinced we were creating Mozart's next symphony.

Nothing compares to the carefree days as a young child. No day was wasted, each day filled with new discoveries. Building forts out of couches and sheets, only to be discovered a few hours later suffocating under piles of cushions. Joined by my brother I often spent more time racing toy cars and building Lego cities than anything else.

Captivated by each day, childhood is a memory worth reminiscing.       

Monday 9 June 2014

Bending the Rules

In this world there's certain rules we must follow in order to keep the peace. But sometimes, we feel desperately tempted to 'bend' these rules... do the unexpected.
Honestly, you're not the only one who has fantisised about breaking these rules...

  • Skip a queue you've been standing in for over 2 hours
  • Press every single button in a lift just to see what might happen
  • Go to the shop in your underwear because you can't be bothered to get dressed
  • Swim in a bath of chocolate
  • Drive through every single red traffic light 
  • Fail all your exams
  • Punch someone - anyone- straight in the face
  • Stare at a security guard as you touch a priceless painting
  • Deal with a loud person on public transport by grabbing their phone and throwing it out the window.
  • Run across a table and smash every piece of china and glass 
  • Scream at the top of your voice when someone is annoying you
  • Eat like your stomach is a bottomless pit.
  • Run around a supermarket and clear every shelf of its contents
  • Kick down a door
  • Walk out without paying for your dinner at a restaurant 
  • Fake your own death

Yes, we would all love to attempt these reckless acts, and maybe, just maybe... someday you'll manage a few without loosing you're reputation completely...!

Saturday 7 June 2014


Perched outside an exam centre for the past few days, I've witnessed students frantically emptying their brain of every piece of knowledge they posses. Some falling into the prison of stress more than others. There was even those few who thought it would be ideal to take a trip to the bathroom during their Irish aural... The CD doesn't stop for anyone.

There's no doubt that I've started to muse over my own future prospects for the Leaving Cert (Well, I've so much time I don't have anything else to think about!) You and I will both agree, the Leaving Cert is two years of your life you've simply wasted. In five years time, you probably won't even remember how many points you achieved.

One huge issue I have with the Leaving Cert is the content. I mean the exams alone are depressing enough without studying about women who committed suicide! Let's take 'An Triail' for example. I agree that students must understand the horrific hypocrisy and suffering of society in Ireland during the 1960's, but this young girl Maire just gave up on life.She killed herself and her newborn baby. Honestly what are we supposed to learn from that - when the going gets tough...give up?

We must not forget the work of Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath. Don't get me wrong, I love reading their intense poetry, full of rich imagery and a deep sense of emotional confusion. With that said however, sometimes I'm really not in the mood to scrutinize Plath's despair and depression. We spend a considerable amount of time spurting out flowery sentences - "The Bay of the Dead in the poem 'Finnistere' sends Plath into a deep depression." Personally, simply reading that poem sends me into a pit of despair. Is it really necessary to study this extensive amount of dreary material?

No doubt there was a shocking moment during a history class this year when the students were unable to list out the previous Presidents of Ireland. The Leaving Cert may teach you how to write a perfect 'Comparative essay' or the various formulas for the same maths problem, but it definitely fails to deal with daily life. Who can honestly say that they ever needed to use complex numbers after they left school? (unless you're studying maths of course) They don't exist for a reason!! In my opinion, as a citizen of your own country, you need to know who your president is! As I read through the captivating autobiography of Mary Robinson (book review), I have realised the significant impact she had on the people of Ireland. As president she fought for many of the rights  we take for granted today. We learn very little about politics in school and as a result young people have lost interest in their power to vote. Turning 18 in today's society allows many privileges, but voting isn't the number one priority.

However much I may complain about the Leaving Cert there's absolutely no avoiding it at this stage. I'm on the road to melting my brain with endless amounts of information and turning into a professional hermit!


Thursday 22 May 2014

Adventures Over Summer

As I now enter into the last two weeks of school, the last stretch of the track, I have started to think about summer... (A dangerous idea when I'm trying to do exams!) I'm utterly determined to fill my weeks with crazy activities and exhilarating ideas! After a strenuous year glued to a study desk, I'm simply living for that final day of exams...

Below is a short list of the crazy adventures I'm going to embark on over the summer. Hopefully you'll be able to pick up a few ideas...

Go on an adventure:  I'm planning to hop on my bicycle with my friends this summer and roam the countryside. Who knows where we might end up! But never forget, no matter where you decide to adventure NEVER forget to bring a supply of chocolate and sweets!

Have a movie night: I'm going to gather together all my friends (and free my house of family members) and watch a summer movie. I'm pretty sure we'll need to hike a mountain after all the food we eat!

 Have a picnic in a tree: Find a tree. Climb it. Have a picnic with my friends. Simple as...

Blare music: I've often found myself breaking the sound barrier when I'm alone. Nothing beats blasting your speakers and dancing like a crazy fool!

Swim in the rain: In Ireland we're well known for our crazy notions during the summer; a BBQ in 15 degree temperatures, hitting the beach in gale force winds. We seem to think once the calender reaches June it's time to take out the shorts and t-shirts. So, let's carry on the tradition and take it that one step further; swim in the pouring rain...

Buy a hammock: Tie it between two trees and fall asleep under the sun.  

Write a note: I'd love to write little notes to my friends and post them through their letter boxes. Everybody loves opening a letter and nowadays there's something truly special about it.

Take photos: I'm planning to take lots of photos as I enjoy the summer weather (wow i'm optimistic, after all this is Ireland we're talking about)

Make this summer memorable. Don't wait until August to start your adventures...

Friday 16 May 2014

Farewell To A Legend

Last Saturday night was the final farewell to two Leinster Rugby legends in the RDS (even though they're playing there again this Saturday night!) Never again will we find two such talented players as Brian O'Driscoll and Leo Cullen.

Spanning out on a 16 year career as a professional, Brian O'Driscoll is widely regarded as one of the best centres of all time. During this time, O'Driscoll has 141 Test Caps and is the highest try scorer of all time in Irish Rugby. Although, at this stage we've been saying goodbye to Brian O'Driscoll for the past year, which you might say is a bit ridiculous... But honestly, there's no other way to say goodbye to a man who has shaped Irish rugby forever.

Sometimes it's very hard to comprehend the fact that he's leaving and this 'Long Farewell' won't continue for another year or two! After winning the Six Nations this year, crowds went wild as they basked in the glory and happiness. Knowing that it would be the last time we saw Brian in a green jersey, the Irish were ecstatic to see him end on such a high note.

Below is a video from Rugby HQ outlining BOD's top 5 moments in his career...

However, with all the focus on O'Driscoll it was a shock to discover that Leo Cullen was also hanging up the boots at the end of this season. A true leader of Leinster rugby, he led the squad to numerous momentous wins over the past few years. As O'Driscoll himself stated; allowing other players to lift the trophy when it was Leo's to hold.

Attending the Leinster - Edinburgh match last Saturday the crowd screamed as Leo almost scored a try. As we all know, Cullen has scored a total of 4 tries in his career. In a recent interview by Des Cahill he was asked which try was the best, laughing he replied 'Such a blur I dunno...' In reality, the tries are irrelevant to the man who drove Leinster forward on so many days, when all they wanted to do was give up.

It's truly hard to imagine the future generations who will never witness the true power of these two heroes. They are legends of their time.


Saturday 10 May 2014


The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)

We've all felt it; that electrifying sensation of living on the edge. Spontaneously deciding to take a trip somewhere or simply daring to do something that terrifies you, sparks a sense of adventure within every single one of us. Don't get me wrong, I'm not implying that everyone should jump off a cliff tomorrow, but a little excitement can really make you feel alive. I've often admired my friend for her spontaneous personality. At this stage I've completely lost count of how many times she has decided at the last minute to go to a concert or hop on a train somewhere. At least I know now that wherever she leads me, I will never anticipate where we land (I'm convinced we'll end up in Honolulu someday!).

Winning tickets to a concert last week, (two hours before it started!) I hopped on the next train into town without even thinking twice about it. People often say you can't beat the thrill of a long build up to an event, but nothing compares to an unplanned journey. There's no time to wonder and worry about what might happen. There's no chance for you to change your mind. It turned out to be an amazing concert in aid of Barretstown, to raise money in order to fund their camps for children with serious illnesses and their families. ( The incredible musicians Paddy Casey, The Riptide Movement, The Hot Sprockets, The Stunning and many more, performed an unforgettable concert. Although, I can't forget the fact that I almost managed to get into the Olympia as a photographer. A moment when I still regret not saying 'yes' to the ticket man...

We live in a world of #'s, 'selfies' and snap chatting. We no longer live in an era when 'tweeting' is simply the sound of a bird, or a 'post' is something you receive through your letterbox. At this stage it's impossible to live anonymously or act like an idiot without half the world finding out. Pictures spread like the swine flu and soon enough a kangaroo in Australia is hopping past your face plastered onto a billboard. I personally don't take comfort in the thought that one moment of foolishness will be forever branded on your forehead. Old photographs can be burned or hidden from preying eyes, but social media remains alive even when you try to delete it.

I truly believe the more chances you take in life, the less afraid you are. Soon enough, those ideas you once avoided become a daily challenge you're willing to face head first. I mean, of course you're scared of sky diving but why not give it a go! You never know where you'll end up! (Probably in the Atlantic) How many times have you backed out of something as a result of terror or fear of the unknown? But that's exactly it, 'the unknown!' Nobody knows where you might end up. Nobody can tell the future. I can guarantee that ninety percent of you fear has been created entirely in your mind, (half of which is probably ridiculous) various circumstances and events that 'might possibly maybe' happen.

Admit it, you've written a 'bucket list', which you intend to live and breathe by. You have set yourself tasks... travel to India... work for a charity... save a dolphin! I honestly worry sometimes about human imagination. If you're planning to write a bucket list at least make it worthwhile, put something absolutely impossible onto it, set your goals high and adventure to the end of the world. Don't for one minute believe that just because it seems unreasonable for some people, you can't achieve it.

I don't know about you, but I plan to continue living a spontaneous life (with the help of my friend) Rushing out at the last moment to catch a train, bus, helicopter or submarine, my hair piled up on top of my head carrying my shoes with a piece of toast in my mouth. Hopefully I won't regret the 'selfie' I quickly snap, that will more than likely appear on my Facebook news feed on my birthday...

Thursday 8 May 2014

Who are You, to Judge Me?

Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect - and I don't live to be - but before you start pointing fingers... make sure your hands are clean!” (Bob Marley)

It has been said that we, as humans, make our first initial impression of someone in the first eight seconds that we glance at them; the clothes they wear, the colour of their hair, the way they walk or simply what they might say. However, even though that might be true... it's not acceptable. Who are we to judge another person, when we ourselves are far from perfect?

'Don't judge a book by it's cover,' a saying known the world over, but yet still ignored by all. I ask you, what use is it preaching an overused cliche, if you have no intention living by it yourself? I'm not going to lie, I judge people, everyone does! It's not intentional and I don't wake up every morning ready to judge every person I happen to cross paths with. We slot people into categories, and live by a status quo set out by generations before us. Higher, middle and lower class society, each judged for their status in society; the rich look down at the poor in disgust and the poor look down at the rich in hatred.

Although, we can also say that we judge others as a result of jealousy and envy. Unhappy in our own skin we seek the opinions of others and live the way others advice us to. That's not a life! That's not creating your own dreams and fighting to make them a reality. People often judge others to convince themselves they are better, more sophisticated, or whatever else they might conjure up in their mind. A sense of false security is created, and they have no understanding as to why they judge every person who they meet.

However, let me share with you the hidden secret of judgement. After every eye
has examined your appearance and every mind has come to their conclusion, you can smile and be one hundred per cent positive that you have been judged incorrectly. You might walk around with crazy blue hair, and people avoid your company, but only you know that you have sacrificed and somebody else has been given a new life. You might find it difficult to feel comfortable around certain people, people who might call you dry and boring, but once you're in the company of friends nothing will stop you from dancing like nobody is watching. So, the next time you notice somebody judge you in the street, smile at them, I can guarantee you, that one smile will throw them completely off guard.

Judgement has been used as a lethal weapon on numerous occasions. It has destroyed reputations in a matter of seconds, some that have been built up on years of hard work and sacrifice. The only way we can overcome this issue is pure human power. We can achieve anything if we simply convince ourselves of it. So, the next time you start to judge somebody, remember that they are also judging you. Remind yourself that appearances are not always what they seem to be, and you will never truly be able to judge somebody until you know them personally.

So, use your appearance to your advantage. Everybody is going to judge you anyway, so give them something worth looking at. Make them create some ludicrous story about you, but only you know who you really are and no amount of judgement can change you. 

Wednesday 30 April 2014

2k14 Fashion Fiesta

'Are you really going out in THAT?' Those are usually the last words we hear as the front door slams behind us. That one recurring statement parents seems to prattle at every given opportunity without fail. Every teenager, throughout the history of time, has hit a point in their life when they feel that spark of rebellion kick in. That moment when they cause their dad to gain a bald spot and their turn into their own mother! We attempt to convince ourselves that they'll never notice those six extra piercings hanging out of our lips, ears and nose. Or, maybe they'll just ignore those ten inch stilettos we shuffle out the door in. It never happens. Ninety percent of the time we're hit by a barrage of rifle fire and shelling, that cause wounds so deep we dare not risk another trip to the front line. 'It wasn't like that in our day!' another famous line rehearsed over several generations. There is no denying the fact that society has rapidly developed over the past few years, especially in the area of fashion.

Exploring through the past, fashion has made a major impact on the development of our world. From the start of time fashion has been an instrument of individuality, protest, creativity and expression. Young people have led the way in new fashion trends for centuries, combining various looks and creating extravagant styles. Women in particular, have the ability to express themselves through their clothing. From 18th Century gowns to 21st Century miniskirts, it seems women felt the need to flash more flesh as the years rolled by. Before the First World War, women never dreamt of wearing trousers, but as they were called to the factories, they discovered the magic of moving freely without the wind blowing around their knees. No matter how many centuries pass, women will always have an attraction to fashion. Honestly, who has never heard the expressions 'A woman can never have too many shoes,' or 'I don't care how much clothes I own; I have nothing to wear,’ Although, are those statements simply stereotypical? Does every woman have a desire to spend every last cent on clothing?

Young people of today's world are highly influenced by the media. Their fashion beliefs often originate from a glossy photo shopped magazine or a television screen. Brainwashed into believing shorts that barely cover your ass is the way to go, young people often lose sight of reality. They never think twice about the image they have created and instead convince themselves it's simply what everybody wears. It's not only women who follow the influence of the media, men often go around with their pants around their knees because they think it's 'cool'. I'm not sure who started that trend, but someone should have told them to buy a belt! This issue in my opinion is only getting worse as the years roll by.
People seem to be shot down no matter what they look like, so why is the world so concerned about the 'latest fashion trend'?

 What is fashion...? It is a collective opinion on a particular 'must have' trend. However, these people often forget that the human body isn't a set size. There's no such thing as a perfect body, there's no such thing as the right ass or legs or face or weight. Some people will look like they're drowning in a maxi dress and others just can't squeeze into those super fitting skinny jeans. People should realise this sooner rather than later. It seems to me that the media change their opinion on a daily basis as to how a young person should really dress; one day they're criticized over wearing a short dress the next everybody has adapted the style. It's an absolute disgrace to see such an overwhelming amount of people who think it's acceptable to demoralise each other on the basis of looks. It is not OK to publicly attack anybody.
Don't get me wrong! I have a strong passion for fashion and a firm supporter of Lady Gaga 'Meat Dresses’; I can't see any problem with expressing yourself through your clothes.
Sure, if you feel the need to wrap yourself up like a sausage roll fire ahead, but not all fashion trends need to be so bizarre! Fashion can be elegant and trendy without breaking the borders of nudity. As a teenager myself, I enjoy discovering the new trends that circulate the fashion world on a daily basis. One only has to search the internet or flick open the latest copy of 'Vogue', to find their dream dress. Although, for the everyday average person, the prices of High Street fashion limit you to a pair of socks. If you've ever noticed a girl in a shop holding a fashion magazine, you can almost be certain she's attempting to match a dress worth two grand with one on the sale rack. Who can blame her! Woman will always find a way when it comes to their clothes.

Young people definitely have a love for fashion; but that doesn't essentially mean they're fashionable... There will always be those teenagers who decide to defy the basic rules of fashion and are determined to stand out among the crowd. What they don't realise is this; to be noticed isn't always a good thing, especially if the clothes you've chosen are too revealing. At that point, you're being noticed for all the wrong reasons. If one wishes to survive in this world of frocks and frills, one must carefully study the following pointers.

1.       The number one rule according to my teacher, 'When wearing a dress never go high          and go low!'
2.      If you got hit by a bus... Do you really want everyone to see your underwear?
3.      Would you put that dress on, if you knew your photo would end up on a billboard?
4.      Buy a belt – no more to be said
5.      Fluorescent dresses are not cool, and never were (unless of course you want to look like a traffic cone)
6.      NEVER wear anything edible.